Monday, January 30, 2006

Fran - Hiss

Kitten needs a home. Someone dumped her at the shop last week and she is overstaying her welcome. She is a sweet little kitty, but she has a unique predilection for hissing. She doesn't mean anything by it. I've caught her hissing and purring in the almost the same moment. We've been calling her Fran because she was bounding across the room and knocked over a St. Francis statue causing it to shatter.
I've been getting rid of my stuff again. If anyone wants any designer shoes size 7.5 or camera gear please check out my ebay auctions. :)
Oh... I got a wacom tablet. I hated it at first, but I'm starting to like it. The mouse is much nicer than the one that came with my computer. It has a button to toggle back and forth between pages.
Most of y'all wouldn't appreciate this, but I set lots of new keyboard shortcuts on my computer today for my Adobe programs. They are unique to me so if anyone else tries to use my computer it is going to misbehave. I do the same few tasks over and over again and adobe didn't seem to think they were worthy of shortcuts. What do they know?
I'm pricing my weddings... what do y'all think? How much should I charge?


Blogger UnwiredBen said...

You're pricing your weddings? How many times do you plan to get married? :)

9:20 AM  
Blogger roxanne said...

you should charge enough that your monthly living expenses are covered with one wedding. at least. then you'll only have to work one day per month. or better yet, you could work two days per month and hire yours truly as a wedding assistant, for pennies on the dollar!

10:25 AM  
Blogger Eccentric Cycles said...

I appreciate the shortcuts. I hate the drudgery of click'n'pick over and over again in many programs. Most of the programs I use extensively get very customized so that I can take my hands off the keyboard as little as possible. This is partially because, as a programmer, I'm manipulating text all the time. I would guess that, in Adobe, you've got a bipolar affair going: one hand on the keyboard and one on the mouse. If you want to go extreme off that end, you might consider picking up a FrogPad and learning how to use it. I would be considering it if I spent much time in graphics heavy programs so that I could get to all of the keys easily with one hand. Heck, I've been considering picking up two (they come in right and left hand models) and using them both instead of a normal keyboardfor the sheer perversity of it. ;-)

6:18 AM  

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