Tuesday, March 14, 2006

my big mouth

got me in trouble again. last night at a bar i said something not very nice about a girl who was mean to me in high school and her older brother did me the curtiousy of calling her and leaving a message on her machine. thanks.

so she sent me a long email about how i don't know her and how i'm crazy and mean and how people don't like me. i hear this pretty often so i'd imagine there is some truth to it. i'm a total nut. i accept that. i don't see the world like other people. helps my art. i have terrible interpersonal skills, but for what it is worth i am a fiercely loyal friend to the people i love and a hard worker.

so... if you hear something at bar about me being a total bitch... it is sooo true.


Blogger Eccentric Cycles said...

Hey, back off! I like my bitch just the way she is. ;-)

7:32 AM  

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