Monday, September 11, 2006

Worst day ever!!!

I'm having such a bad day. I just want to cry. Ok. So I already did cry. To begin with I have more work than I can do. I REALLY need to hire someone, but I'm too busy. I don't have time to put up a help wanted ad. I don't have time to tons of applications and I REALY REALY don't have time to train someone. Or a place to put them.

On top of that I just found at from the Chron that I'm not shooting ACL. OMG!!! I have a love/hate relationship with festivals, but I was looking forward to this one because there were some bands I wanted to shoot. There it is. I've been replaced. If y'all know of a publication that needs a great music photographer let me know.

The worst part of my day I can't talk about because it has to do with legal stuff. I'll just leave it at - legal stuff sucks -- even when you are the "good" guy.

Ok. Back to work.


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