Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Strange Night

I had such a strange night. Scott and I went to some socailite party for the arts. First I was accused of being a snobby bitch by some gay guys (for the record I am snobby, but it's genetic). After that I ran into a girl from highschool who said I was her hero and inspiration and that she has a huge amount of respect for me and she always looked up to me (she's three years younger). Does she have any idea how much of a loser I was in high school? The wierdo kid is only popular in movies. I had a boyfriend, Chase, who loved me, but beyond that I only had three other friends. :) What a night.

Please please come to my art show if you are reading this. It is going to be a great show. :)



Blogger Eccentric Cycles said...

Maybe I just don't recognize it since I hail from the wrong side of the tracks, but you've never come across as either snobby or as a bitch to me, Mary. So, if it's true, I'm either oblivious or you do it all behind my back. ;-)

11:02 AM  

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