Thursday, February 23, 2006

Back in the BLACK

Yipee!!! My little photo business is back in the black. We only have $.84 but we don't owe anyone any money!!! I'm also expecting some nice checks in the mail. (Now if they company could pay me back my seed money I'd be a happy clam.)

I got a great new job today. I'm going to be photographing sorority girls. I went to waco to try out the job today and really enjoyed it. The tri-delts aren't nearly as scary as they used to be. They are just a bunch a sweet gals wearing pearls and talking about getting married, soon.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

pain is temporary. film is forever

michael j fox said it. peter jackson said it. and the guy from three o clock high (best movie ever) said it. and now i'm saying it. pain is temporary. film is forever.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Yipee. I've been waiting for this website to go live for almost a year and now it is online. so check out . build a tripset!!! have fun.


Thursday, February 16, 2006


My productivity peaked in the last 24 hours. I caved and purchased a monitor calibrator , the difference is night and day! I defragmented the computer and removed all of the unused programs freeing 13 gigs on my master drive! Yipee. The computer is running smoother than ever.

I've been formating and correcting the work for the progress show. In some ways I almost wish I hadn't invited cambrai to put up work. Her work is AWESOME but I found more work that I'd like to show. We are getting together today to pick out prints and sizes and stuff. Should be fun. I'll just have to show the music work again sometime. It is a tough choice. On the one hand I'm relieved not to pay for all the framing and printing, but a solo show during sxsw would have been cool... oh well. Too late now. Here is a tease of what is going to show next month.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


This weekend Scott and I were walking on the Bouldin Creek greenbelt that runs along the railroad tracks. We decided to walk for a bit on the tracks and we ran into the hobo. The hobo asked me to take his picture for his myspace profile! :) So here is the photo!

@rlo Guthries Daughter

I thought this was sooo cute. This is one of @rlo guthries daughters, her husband and little girl. The little one sang a very cute song she wrote about christmas. :) I sent a copy of the picture to her mother. I still haven't heard back. I hope she isn't offended. The kid is just sooo cute. It is the kind of picture I'd like to have... I dunno.


I read about this on boing boing and think I might give it a try. The Compact is a group in San Fran who is trying to go a whole year without purchasing anything new (see below) I'm already very good about not buying new things, but for the reason that I'm thrifty. Now I have a new found environment zeal to put behind my cheapness. I'm going to try this for a week. If it goes well... maybe I'll try it for the whole year. It will be like the master cleanse for my soul (and I won't have to spend nearly as much time in the water closet)
Greetings, Compact-wegians,
Tomorrow is the start of our 12-month flight from the consumer grid. To aid us all in getting started and sticking to the regime, I've compiled the guidelines we set in stone at our great dinner a few weeks back.
As agreed, The Compact has several aims (more or less prioritized below):
1) to go beyond recycling in trying to counteract the negative global environmental and socioeconomic impacts of U.S. consumer culture, to resist global corporatism, and to support local businesses, farms, etc. -- a step, we hope, inherits the revolutionary impulse of the Mayflower Compact
2) to reduce clutter and waste in our homes (as in trash Compact-er)
3) to simplify our lives (as in Calm-pact)
So, here goes for the rules:
# <> First principle - don't buy new products of any kind (from stores, web sites, etc.)
# Second principle - borrow or buy used.
# A few exceptions - using the "fair and reasonable person" standard -- i.e., you'll know in your heart when you're rationalizing a violation:

* food, drink, and necessary medicine (no elective treatments like Viagra or Botox)
* necessary cleaning products, but not equipment (don't go out and buy the Dyson Animal, for example).
* socks and underwear (utilitarian--non-couture or ornamental)
* pajamas for the children

# Utilitarian services (plumbers, electricians, auto mechanics, veterinarians, dog/house-sitters, fire/paramedics, dry cleaners, house cleaners, etc.) -- Support local and encourage used parts (rebuilt transmission, salvaged headlight unit, etc.)
# Recreational services (massage, etc.) & local artisanal items - Good sources for gifts, but should not be over-indulged in for personal gratification
# Charitable contributions (Seva, Heifer, and the like) - an even better source for gifts
# Plants and cut flowers - Whenever possible, cultivate from free cuttings or seeds. Ok in extreme moderation (yo, incoming oxy) when purchased from local businesses (i.e., not the Target Garden Shop)--and again, within reason
# Art supplies - First line of attack: SCRAP. When absolutely necessary (for the professionals and talented amateurs in the group), from local businesses
# Magazines, newspapers, Netflix - renewals only, no new subscriptions. Even better to consume online
# V ideo rentals and downloadable music files (non-material) -- freely shared and pirated, preferred

Monday, February 13, 2006

a year

so much changes in a year. one year ago today i was half way thru filming a reality tv show and living in santa monica. i had no car just a bike. i cooked fresh fish everyday from the corner store and had only blogebrity jason calcanis and the guy from incubis to keep me company. tbanks to tlc i had a swanky penthouse apartment, but not enough time to make friends outside of the building.


Look. It is a picture of my friend Jimmy. I did a few head shots at his office this morning. One of the fellows isn't happy so I'm going to go back and make another one of him. I think it is his monitor calibration, but what ever. I don't want someone to be unhappy with my work. quality bla bla bla.


rock band pretending to be in the rock van.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Foxy men

I spent the day in the studio photographing HUNKY GUYS in vargas poses. It was fun. The magazine featuring the photos will be out in March.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Cleaning House

Today I ran out of storage space on my computer. That means I have 260gigs of photos! The sad part is most of them are of strangers. I've been trashing lots of them all morning and just saving a few images from each shoot. It would be faster just to buy mroe storage, but I think it is a little creepy to have hundreds of gigs of pictures of people not looking there best. I see it as a way of freeing the universe of unwanted data. I did find this amazing photo of my bedroom before the redecorating!

Monday, February 06, 2006


Yipeee... I'm in a good mood. Over the weekend I lost my prada sunglasses and my wallet wtih all of my credit cards (second time this month rrrg) but today while i was making a last ditch effort to find things i came across both my wallet and my sunglasses in a 5 minute span. YIPEE.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The BOING BOING effect

I use bloglines and I have a terrible tendency to check on my friends blogs and mistake them for boing boing (my favorite blog) posts. Whenever this happens I get very excited that my friend is getting so much exopsure and then I figure out that it is just me looking at the wrong bloglines thinking it is a boing boing post. Sometimes I can be so dense.