Friday, January 12, 2007

The Daily Puppy

To the three people who read my blog - Just wanted to let you know Teddy is now on the Daily Puppy. :) Give him some biscuits. Not too many he'll get a tummy ache.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

It's official

His name is going to be Teddy. Scott and I decided we'd give him a name tonight because today he is officially 7 weeks old. Scott, instead of staying home with me to name the puppy is spending one more night with his guy friends out of town on a "leadership" retreat. I took it upon myself to give the little guy a name. Scott, to his credit, texted this last minute name suggestion ** DISCO DAVE **. I vetoed it unilaterally. It's just like Scott's grandmother Lou says -- If the man is away on business when the baby gets named he doesn't get a choice in the matter! So. Teddy it is. It's the perfect name because he is like a Teddy Bear (Soft, sweet, great to snuggle, short legs - big middle) and because he sounds like Theodor from the Chipmunks cartoon show when he starts yelping/singing.

He's getting the hang of sit and fetch. Now he just needs to learn the command - POSE and he is ready for live with me.

PS Chase - don't worry. No puppies were harmed in the taking of the photograph above. :)

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Puppy is HERE!!!

Finally I have my puppy. We picked him up the day before New Years Eve. He wakes up every two hours during the night and has to go out. He also likes biting me and growling at other dogs. Such a gem! All he needs now is a name. I've been calling him Teddy, but that is sort of a sissy name for what is going to be a big tough boy dog.