Sunday, January 07, 2007

It's official

His name is going to be Teddy. Scott and I decided we'd give him a name tonight because today he is officially 7 weeks old. Scott, instead of staying home with me to name the puppy is spending one more night with his guy friends out of town on a "leadership" retreat. I took it upon myself to give the little guy a name. Scott, to his credit, texted this last minute name suggestion ** DISCO DAVE **. I vetoed it unilaterally. It's just like Scott's grandmother Lou says -- If the man is away on business when the baby gets named he doesn't get a choice in the matter! So. Teddy it is. It's the perfect name because he is like a Teddy Bear (Soft, sweet, great to snuggle, short legs - big middle) and because he sounds like Theodor from the Chipmunks cartoon show when he starts yelping/singing.

He's getting the hang of sit and fetch. Now he just needs to learn the command - POSE and he is ready for live with me.

PS Chase - don't worry. No puppies were harmed in the taking of the photograph above. :)


Blogger Eccentric Cycles said...

Eh, from the first picture, he seems to be getting the whole pose idea rather well for such a youngster.

8:37 PM  

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