Thursday, March 30, 2006


Originally uploaded by SleddPhotography.
I'm having fun with the sorority girls. The houses have very different personalities. The Chi Omegas tend to be bad at following directions and get very catty in big groups. The Pi Phis tend to be extra prissy and more than a little vain. The zetas are my favorite. They are outdoorsie and athletic.

Not sure what that guys problem was. I thin khe was making a statment about freespeech. Guess the lesson learned is that if you are going to play dead might as well do it with your face in the shade.

Saturday, March 25, 2006


I'm so frustrated. I had to get a new laptop this week because my other one stopped working so I ordered one from Dell. It arrived on Monday after SXSW but I was too busy to spend anytime with it until today... they only thing I did to it when it arrived was take it out of the box and plug it in - and remove the irritating dell programs it came with like word and paintshop.

So - my mom was at my house on Wed getting the place ready for my brother to move back in and she threw away lots of stuff she thought was junk - INCLUDING THE BOX MY COMPUTER CAME IN. I had not taken any of the system disks or warranty stuff out of the box before it got pitched and now all that stuff has been picked up by the garbage man and is long gone.

I've written an email to dell, but my hopes aren't very high. *sigh*

Thursday, March 23, 2006


Originally uploaded by SleddPhotography.
Went to the rodeo last night. It was lots of fun. We ate way too much junk food and came home with tummy aches. I also woke up in the middle of the night with a bloody nose. Must be all the dust.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

my big mouth

got me in trouble again. last night at a bar i said something not very nice about a girl who was mean to me in high school and her older brother did me the curtiousy of calling her and leaving a message on her machine. thanks.

so she sent me a long email about how i don't know her and how i'm crazy and mean and how people don't like me. i hear this pretty often so i'd imagine there is some truth to it. i'm a total nut. i accept that. i don't see the world like other people. helps my art. i have terrible interpersonal skills, but for what it is worth i am a fiercely loyal friend to the people i love and a hard worker.

so... if you hear something at bar about me being a total bitch... it is sooo true.

Friday, March 10, 2006


Spent the first part of the week in Kansas. My favorite thing about the state is the cornfields. They are everywhere! Now I'm getting ready for SXSW. Just finished framing the rockstars show!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Toby Morris

My photo pal Toby was shot in Iraq. Hope he gets well soon!!!

For more info go to

Editor and Publisher

and here's what he was working on:


toby's currently in a hospital in Germany being treated for his injuries, he sounds in OK spirits.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

progress show

is now solo. in some ways it is easier to do it this way.

the way things are.

Yesturady was so bad it was funny.My day started the way most bad days do with me only getting a few hours of sleep. Then I checked the answering machine to discover half a dozen messages from my brothers girlfriend... first informing me they had been stopped by the cops for speeding, then another saying they were caught with pot, and then a third and forth letting me know she had bailed them out of the clink and I should call her as soon as possible. The last few were from one of thier friends letting me know her cell phone had died and I should send money. In the end I was only willing to send money to get thier dog out of the pound which turned out to be unneeded. I did call to give him his lawyers number and I called mom who was releaved to hear he wasn't dead (do other peoples parents think this way?) so the brother stuff... i can't do much about it so i try not to let it get to me.
Then, as i was sitting at my desk looking out the window part of the neibors tree falls on her house with a terrific crash. it is the same tree that partially hangs over my house and i've been asking her to have cut down.
Then, my mom calls to let me know my granny is very ill and in the emergency room. i'm not happy about granny being sick and i hate hospitals. hate them! (sorry moseface) i went and spent some time with granny in the er. looks like they are going to keep her there for a while. if things are grim i'm a big supporter of hospice instead of er, but maybe it isn't time yet.
The day ends the same way it began... my brothers girlfriend calling paniced. this time she wants me to come get my brother and bring him home. i tried calling back a few times, but i guess her line is dead. not much i can do from here.

so today is a new day. the sun is up. i'm planning on going to the gym and then to see my grandmother. i might trying calling my brother again... it is all i can do to put one foot in front of the other.

i know this pails in comparison... i still can't get the other ladies working on me wtih the art shows to cooperate. they keep saying they are too busy... or just not picking up the phone. that makes me very unhappy. i'm busy too. i have lots of stuff going on. it is no excuse to flake.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

hair color

look whos getting her hair colored. : ) if anyone asks it is natural.

Busy is an understatement

I've been working more or less non stop from when I wake up till when I go to bed for the last week or so. The good part is my mail box will be filled with checks later this month... the bad part is i hardly have time to think.
Things aren't going very well with putting together the art shows. the other gals i'm workign with are busy and want to put off the work till the last minute which isn't going to work for me because i'll be out of town... rrrrggg.