Meet my future puppy! I've been thinking about getting a dog for the last year, but I've been far too busy traveling and photographing to get one. At the end of this year I'm planning the big slow down! I'm going to raise all of my prices and become much pickier about which assignments I take. With all my work the last few months I've been able to save up some money. :) So... I'm going to re-work all of my portfolios and start offering higher end products. Hopefully this will mean I'll be less in demand.
So - the new puppy is an Australian Shepherd like Scott's dog Gregor. He is a red merle with a split colored face. Although his litter mates have blue eyes his look like they are going to be brown. When I decided to get a dog I was thinking about getting a Red Tricolored Aussie and the breeder sent me the photos of the new litter from week one and when I saw this one I thought he was the CUTEST PUPPY I'D EVER SEEN!!! His birthday is November 19 and I can take him home on New Years.
The reason I want a dog is because I spend so much time alone working on my computer. I want an excuse to go outside and go for walks. Dexter, who is going to become friends with the puppy come hell or high water, just isn't as good of company as he was when he was little. After he got a taste of the outdoor life he prefers to spend his time chasing squirrels and eating birds. Alas, he has become a cat. He will still come when you call him and wear silly outfits, but I've come to accept that he is not a dog.
I'm going to tell my mom about the puppy today. I don't think she will be happy with my decision. She already things I'm over-worked and she will see this as one more responsibility I'll have to juggle. She is right. However, I'm 26. I've wanted to get a dog for the last 10 years and never did because everyone around me said I couldn't handle it. Tons of people have dogs. People FAR less responsible than me. So. Meet my new dog. Isn't he SOOOO CUTTTTEEE!!!! I wanted to have a puppy shower, but Scott thought that was strange/crazy. I may still have one despite him. :)